Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Welcome Students and Parents!!

Hello and welcome to Introductory Chemistry.  Please check this blog periodically for important information and updates.  I am Erin Clement and I have a bachelor's degree in secondary education, with a focus on chemistry.  I have always wanted to teach and after my second year in college I realized what it was I wanted to teach.  My goal this semester is to help young people see how interesting and fun science can really be!  I want everyone to see the value in not only chemistry but science in general.

For Students:

This is a periodic table.  It is something you should become very familiar with.  Take it with you.  Take it to your sports practice.  Take it on dates.  Take it to bed and put it under your pillow at night.  We will be going over this in great detail and some of it will be on your first quiz.  The periodic table was created by many scientists but a man by the name of Dmitri Mendeleev is credited with it's creation.  Mendeleev's genius was to discover a pattern to the mess of elements.  Elements in the same row have similiar characteristics and also elements down the same row have similar characteristics.  Mendeleev was actually able to predict elements that were not yet discovered by arranging the elements this way.

For Parents:
We will be having a quiz every Friday.  I will return the graded quizzes on Monday, so be sure to check with your child about how they are doing.  I will be available everyday after school for individual help, if it is needed.  Please, advise your child to seek help if they need it.  I want everyone to succeed!

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