Saturday, January 22, 2011

Metric Prefixes and More

Two weeks done and two quizzes finished.  We will be starting to learn metric prefixes this upcoming week and begin to discuss balancing equations.  This week will also be our first in class experiment!  It will be a demonstration only, but it will give the class some ideas of how we go about doing experiments and how to see what you are learning about science from them.

For Students:
Answers to this weeks quiz are as follows:
   1.  32 degrees Fahrenheit =     0 degrees Celsius   (this should have been an easy one!)
   2.  11 degrees Celsius =     51.8 degrees Fahrenheit  (52 is acceptable)
   3.  15 degrees Fahrenheit =    -9.44 degress Celsius
   4.  26 degrees Celsius =   299 Kelvin
   5.  55 degrees Fahrenheit =    285.78 Kelvin (286 or 285.8 is acceptable)
   6.  44 degrees Celsius =    111.2 degrees Fahrenheit  (111 is fine)
   7.  90 degrees Fahrenheit =    305.2 Kelvin (305)
   8.  312 Kelvin =  39 degrees Celsius
   9.  312 Kelvin = 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit
  10.  What is absolute zero?      273 Kelvin

We will next to talking about the metric system and its prefixes.  Every country in the world except the US uses the metric system and we use it in science.  It is a more convenient method because everything works in powers of ten.
Please begin to look at these prefixes, they might be on our next quiz!  (hint, hint)  Also please be able to draw a bohr model of an atom, labeling the protons, nuetrons, and electrons.

For Parents:
The simple experiment we will be doing in class is really just an exercise in the scientific method.  This will get the students used to doing experiments using the scientific method.  The lab report will simply be a write up of the 7 or so steps involved in the scientific method.  I will be asking students if a piece of paper can be burned twice.  It will be something like this...

Hopefully, everything goes well with this!  Again, if your child need help, please instruct them to see me after school.  I have still had very few visits, so hopefully that means everyone understands!  Have a great week!

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