Hello! I hope everyone had a great first week of school. I enjoyed all my classes and I feel that I have a great group of kids this year!
For Students:
I hope that first quiz didn't scare you too much! Since there are no make up quizzes needed in the class, the answers are as follows:
1. He = Helium
2. C = Carbon
3. Ne = Neon
4. H = Hydrogen
5. Na = Sodium
6. Mg = Magnesium
7. Mn = Manganese
8. Fe = Iron
9. Cu = Copper
10. Si = Silicon
11. S = Selenium
12. K = Potassium
13. Zn = Zinc
14. Au = Gold
15. Ag = Silver
I hope you all did well. Graded quizzes will be returned on Monday. For this week I would like you all to start thinking about units of measure. In chemistry we use the SI system of measure. We will start this week talking about length, mass and time. Also we will learn about the Kelvin and the man responsible for setting up this absolute temperature scale, Lord Kelvin.
For Parents:
Our first quiz this week went well and there were a lot of good scores! Please continue to ensure your student does well by asking how their quiz went and if they understand our current material. As I said before, I always stay at least and hour after school for students if they need help. No one came by this week, so I assume everyone understands. Thanks for all your support!
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